My ideation begins with several drawings that serve as illustrations of my everyday thoughts like rituals or
blueprints and documents the possibilities of my work. It imagines the construction of a device that may
eventually be an object or exist as a thought. I deal with complex ‘machines’ and simplify them in terms of their
physicality and function, to make them more representational of human needs and/or want; just like
mechanisms sometimes exist in society irrespective of their actual necessity. Raised in a small village in South
India without access to basic electricity during my childhood, my introduction to mechanics during my higher
education greatly fascinated me. This fascination with my practice is applied to solve queries and answer
questions of philosophies and existence.My practice remains a reaction not only to an object/practice that I see and interact with, but also its sensibility, meanings, practical, conceptual or metaphorical connotations. I thereby “repurpose” objects to alter their
function and inject them with of satire to criticize its political, social or cultural significance.
Before art, I studied Sanskrit. The play between an external beauty or functionality of a form/object, its inner
meaning, extended connotations, and the consequential critical analysis of the object is what is embodied in the
Tarka Shastra way of thought and is what excites my practice as well.