Exhibitions (Select Listing)
2017 TARKA solo show Vadehra Art Gallery new Delhi
2015, Lay of the Land, Curated by Anushka Rajendran, Latitude28, Delhi.
2015 Students Biennale, Kochi Muziris Biennale, Kochi, India
2014 Center for International Modern Art (CIMA), Kolkata, India
2014 Gallery Espace in Delhi
2013 PEERS Share, Khoj International Artists’ Association, Delhi.
2012 (June), “Three Fold” at Mall of Mysore
2017 KYTA Travel Residency in Himachal Kalag
2017 Khoj International Workshop, Goa, India
2016 Atelier Mondial Residency / Pro Helvetia – Swiss Art Council, Switzerland.
2015 Peers Emerging Artists’ Residency, Khoj International Artists’ Association, Delhi, India
2014 Sandarbh Art Residency, Paratapur, Rajasthan, India
2012 “Charaka” at CAVA Mysore National Workshop, Mysore, India
2012 (August) , “BAR-1 “ at Bangalore Artist Residency, Bengaluru, India.
2015 FICA Emerging Artist Award
2015 Nasreen Mohamedi Award for the Best Annual Graduate Display, M.S University Baroda
2014 Inlaks Fine Arts Award
2014 CIMA Art Award (Shortlisted)
2013 Mysore University Gold Medal